Wednesday, February 18, 2009

SOooooooooooooooo......... we need help. Not like literal psychological help (though there is something wrong with Brandon). I mean like kid help. As in we can't decide on names for the upcoming cubs. Oh, yeah, news flash: Sam's having five of them. Five little pups with my genes. *sigh* Ahem, well, anyways, we can't decide on names. So I'm asking you guys. Me and the present cubs came up with Hunter, Balto, and Fang. Yeah, we suck, but not as much as Sam's suggestions. She keeps coming up with these weird girly names. (oh, I hope it's five boys)... Yeah, so, any suggestions?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Soooo. Yeah, Sam's pregnant. I'm so stunned. Yet Happy. I"M GONNA BE A FATHER!!!!!! Xp Sorry, ha to get that outta my system. Yeah, so since I'm a werewolf, I figure maybe like three months for the babies. Which is good, since there won't be anymore snow (hopefully). I just can't wait. *sniff* I'm gonna be a daddy...