Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oh. My. God. We haven't posted anything on here since CHRISTMAS. Wow, we are pathetic. Well, at least, Brandon is.
Am not.
Are too.
No, I'm not.
Yes, you are.
Don't you have a kid to take care of? Pretty sure I hear them crying.
Whatev's. *shuffles out*
HI!!!!!!!! XD So, like Iggy says, we ahve taken FUHEVAH to get back to you guys. Which isn't really fair to you, all our faithful followers who love us so much and refuse to can us even though we cheated on you with those.... irritating little brats of cubs. No, seriously guys, I cannot stand having one little kid around. let alone FIVE.
Funny, that's how we all feel about you.
Shuttup Dante. Don't get me wrong, their cute and cuddly and all, but c'mon, a guys gotta have some privacy.
I liked the part when you fell asleep on the couch and they poured red Jell-O all over your face.
I lol'd at that too.
That was not cool not cool AT ALL. I hate red Jello.
You don't like it just cuz that chick Tina poured it down your pants after you tried hitting on her.
She's just jealous I have bigger biceps.
You're an idiot Brandon. A pure idjit.
You used the lamest pickup line I have ever heard.
No, I didn't it was actually pretty good.....
He, hehehe, you said (and I quote) "Hey, girl, do you work for Verizon? 'Cuz you're kinda raising my bar."
I Laughed. Alot. Especially when her girlfriend came over and slapped you in the face with a slice of ham from her sandwich.
How the heck was I supposed to know she doesn't like guys?!?
Um, gee, I don't know. Maybe the fact that SHE"S NEVER GONE OUT WITH A GUY should've clued you in.
I also cracked up when her little brother came to soccer practice and put a partially disected frog down your shirt.
Yeah, that was classic. I like Tina's little brother now.
I hate you guys.
Can I have my computer back now?