Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ok, Wow. You seriuosly do not know how many times I have wrestled for control of the laptop. The others figured out I blocked the site on their computers, and now they keep trying to find out my password for this one. Ok, so, alot of comments on my proposal. Thanks, guys. Because of you, I have decided to ask Sam this Saturday. There's only one tiny problemo, though............. I can't figure out which ring to give her. Help!!!


Aurora said...

Holy shi- talking mushrooms! That is a LOT of rings O.O.. Um well I think you should be picking out the ring, If you know her more than anyone else in the world you will just know in your heart which one to pick for her =). get her a ring that she will treasure and love as much as she does you.

Love isn't a destination,
It's a Journey.

Pick a ring that resembles her to you the most. =) good luck. (your not gonna need it)


Timothy Reid said...

I personally like the middle two. It depends on her taste in jewlery

Jordaniya778 said...

I really really like the first one with the three diamonds. God, It's so beautiful.