Friday, December 5, 2008

How bout you wear something simple?
So it'll be easy for me to hurry up and take it off of you! *rolls on the floor, laughing uncontrollably*
UGH! Your gross Iggy.
You are such a pig.
What? It was just a joke.
Yeah, a good one too *chuckles*
Hey! *whacks Brandon on the head* It was funny for me, NOT you! Don't even think that way about my girl!
AWW! Iggy, your so sweet, you know that? *kisses Iggy on the lips*
Yeesh. *rubs head*
wow. you guys are so weird.
Aren't we? *tries to ignore Sam and Iggy, who are now doing R-rated stuff on the couch* Yeesh. I'm going to my room.


Cruz said...

you can have any emoticon anytime, WOW! lots of prep for guys are so great and so funny, thanks for updating us! ooooh and Sam you're going to look beautiful in anyone of those dresses... and R-rated couch activity (^.~) have fun LOL


Aurora said...

o.o. . . um.. I'm gonna go to my room too xD,


Sarah Jane said...

so...thanks for following my blog :-) i like yours...i dont have time right now to read all of the older posts, but im guessing you and sam are getting married? and your a werewolf....?