Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hey. I added a video thing of Big Wolf On Campus. It's so cool. It's this old show about this high school kid getting bit by a werewolf and him and his friend trying to save the town from a bunch of loonies. It's hi-larious.


Cruz said...

Yeah I've seen it, it's funny.

Cruz said...

Ugh, I know my real name is lame (so didn't mean to rhyme there), I hate it, Elizabeth sounds like an old lady and Lizzie sounds like a 5 yr old, of which I am neither. Maybe I should get a nickname? Thoughts? I met a girl named Princess and a guy named Romeo, I thought their names were cool. Rant Over. Is Gavin better? So, are you and Sam together? Since the kiss, I'm confused... wait... maybe not... yeah ok I am.